The Dating Game: Are Experts Right or Wrong?

Description The Wingwoman
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For starters, I think it’s about expectations, if both parties are going into into with the straight-up agreement that it is just sex, if for at least just now, then I think it’s ok, I’ve done this and I’ve been ok with it.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt though, and in love, someone is bound to get hurt. I would love to separate emotions from the sex, but when I fall for a guy, damn, it hurts! I’m broken-hearted at the moment and can’t take dating again, at least for a while. It goes against my logic. I’ve been able to do one-night stands, hook-ups, short term dating, long-term relationships and been able to walk away unscathed, but now for some reason I live day-to-day with heartbreak, it sucks!
I truly believe that women should do what they want at the given moment, I certainly do. The more a guy pressures and doesn’t back off then he simply won’t get any, because it’s annoying. Otherwise, I agree if the flow is there, go with it, only if YOU WANT TO!

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32Marilyn March 17, 2011 at 12:24 AM
I know this is a late response but I feel like I had to chime in. I have been reading your site and have been largely impressed and moved by your writing until now. Perhaps for you there are some instances where sex on the first date works, if things just seem right. I believe, however, that there may be people for whom this never works. Myself for example. I do not consider myself a prude: I love sex. I have NEVER had great sex on the first date. The people that I have had great sex with were always the ones I got to know first, when there was a chance for the attraction to build up. Even when I experience an immediate attraction to a guy, I still don’t feel comfortable enough to be able to relax fully and enjoy the experience until I’ve known the person for at least a few days or more. Often it takes me quite a while to even notice if I am attracted to someone. I do understand that all people are different, but you said yourself that the heart can lie and the mind can trick us. As for the heart lying, mine has been lying to me since I discovered boys, so I have learned not to trust it and to wait for other evidence. Have you ever slept with a woman quickly and then realized the attraction was not deep enough to warrant a repeat? Do you think any of those women felt any regret over the incident? Or disappointment?
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