Breaking Up in the App Era: How to Navigate Online Dating Breakdowns

Description Paranoia and Relationships: How Far Is Too Far?
Love Without A Limit?!
I Got That White Girl: The Hampton Edition.
Behind the Macho Mask
Witty Wisdom For Dating Mating And Crime-Fighting
The Cruelest Things Women Consistently Do To Men
Dating Do’s And Dont’s For “Nice” Guys And Girls
Closure And The Big Owe.
The Most Overrated Things About New York City

In most serious relationships, I think that something more is required. Possibly, however, lessons can be drawn from The Notebook and my own, narrower model – such as the need for open-handed generosity of affection and tolerance towards the other person; doing your duty even when it hurts; always trying to find out what will make her happy; and reminding her often that you love her, and why, and why she is adorable and wonderful, in novel and interesting ways including writing letters.

MidoriLei Says:
January 29th, 2011 at 3:22 pm
Scratch, wow, that woman really changed your life!

I love this: “need for open-handed generosity of affection, doing your duty even when it hurts; always trying to find out what will make her happy; and reminding her often that you love her, and why, and why she is adorable and wonderful, in novel and interesting ways including writing letters.”

Amen to that!

Anonymous Says:
February 2nd, 2011 at 10:09 am
Never seen the movie but i’ve read the book before.. amazing how much things you can pick out from a movie =)

Daniel Says:
March 2nd, 2011 at 8:24 pm
I’ve read most of the comments praising Noah, but what about that poor girl he was with before Allie returned. It was obvious to everyone except the girl that noah was using her and in my opinion is not something a gentleman would do.

If thats acceptable behavior in the eyes of women, then I am definitely on the right track with my current girlfriend. She’s not the one, may or may not know this, and as soon as i meet my true love, I will leave her just like Noah.

MidoriLei Says:
March 4th, 2011 at 2:13 pm
Daniel, the difference between what you’re doing and what Noah did is that Noah made it clear that his heart was with Allie and that he had nothing to give her. She was a widow, even given this knowledge, she chose to stick around. When Allie came back into the picture, she invited the other woman in for pancakes, then later on, Noah said goodbye to the woman. Was the woman bitter? No. She knew all about Allie and leaving then she realized that she wanted a man to love her the way Allie was loved by Noah.
Début de l'événement 27.10.2022
Fin de l'événement 27.10.2022